To Order Contact MFHA
To place an order please indicate which item and/or size you would like.Contact:
Carleen Ostrom at 517-983- 3550 or email
Membership: Single - $20.00 Family - $25.00
Versatility Programs
Send check with your application form.
Under Saddle: $20.00
Not Under Saddle: $15.00
Horsemanship Versatility: $20 = $10 per horse
Gaited Horse Western Dressage : Please send your check with your application to hold your place.
Trail Rides
National Trail Ride: Will be held at Waterloo this year. Information flyer is posted on the Activities Page.
Fund Raiser MFTA T-Shirts: $15 Shirt sizes XXL is an extra $5 (Includes tax and shipping) Only comes in Stonewashed Blue.